Paula Hellstern
Get Away Tours
Bank of Turtle Lake
Turtle Lake, Wisconsin
Born: Clayton, Wisconsin
Education: Graduated from cosmetology school and attended several banking courses
Employment: Hellstern has been in the banking business for more than 30 years, starting as a teller. Currently, she is assistant cashier and deposits operations manager. She has been director of Get Away Tours for 20 years.
Family: Two daughters, Alicia and Rita
Hobbies: Gardening, reading, listening to music and spending time with family and friends
Turtle Lake
Headquartered in Turtle Lake, this 111-year old, family-owned bank
Manager 2 manager
• While at times one may need the patience of Job, one has to have a passion and love for working with people. It’s all about customer service.
• Things go smoothly with organization.
• It’s a must for a successful program to have the support of management.