Breakout Session summaries were mailed in May
All bankers who attended the 2009 conference in Little Rock, Arkansas, should have received copies of their breakout summaries in the past few weeks. Three sets of summaries from the three breakout sessions were compiled by BankTravel staff and mailed in early May.
“Our breakouts were especially effective this year due to a lot of preparation put in by several bank volunteers, and the results represent a lot of useful information for bankers who attended the conference,” said Mac Lacy of BankTravel.
“The bankers who take the time and expense to attend the conference are the people who should be entitled to this peer group information, so that’s who we send it to. It becomes a very tangible benefit after the fact for all those who attend the BankTravel Conference.”
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Breakout Session One in Little Rock included two concurrent sessions with different topics — one was the new session for first-time delegates, the other was a session on coping with the downturn in the economy. The first-time delegate session was very well attended and deftly managed by three volunteer bankers. The concurrent breakout session that dealt with the economy was managed by two bank volunteers and was also a highly rated program.
The final breakout session took place following the closing lunch and dealt with great trip ideas for 2009 and 2010. Several dozen bankers stayed after lunch to attend prior to leaving on familiarization tours. Two volunteers handled this session, which was a bit brief due to the fam tour deadline. Several bankers asked that it be repeated again in Milwaukee because the information was so helpful.
“Peer interaction like this always yields good results,” said Lacy. “Our faculties were strong and well prepared. We look forward to offering these valuable breakout sessions again in Milwaukee.”
If you attended the conference and did not receive your copy of the summaries, please contact Teresa Burton in the Ohio office to receive a copy.
(330) 332-3841
We’re in!
Repeat sponsors reflect value of BankTravel Conference
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At a major golf tournament, it seems the same names gravitate to the top of the leader board time and time again. The same holds true with the BankTravel Conference, which has become one of the group travel industry’s “majors” over its 15-year history. The repeat factor of major sponsors at this conference is astounding when you consider the many factors that go into making investments in a market from year to year.
“Our sponsors recognize the strength of this group. There is no question about that,” said BankTravel Conference CEO Joe Cappuzzello. “Good marketing is not a sprint — it’s a marathon. It involves
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steady, year-to-year planning and execution, and we have a lot of sponsors who understand that and make it happen at this conference.”
Conference founders and owners Mac Lacy and Charlie Presley take pride in the evolution that has transpired since the start of this conference in 1996.
“We went to the Gaylord Opryland Hotel 15 years and took a
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huge leap of faith that the bank industry would turn out for this meeting,” said Presley. “They did, and they have from that point forward. It’s a testament to their business savvy and commitment, as is our sponsors’ steadfast investment in this industry segment.”
“This market is about relationships at every level,” said Lacy. “The personal aspect of community banking is no better reflected than in a bank’s loyalty program. It’s where smaller banks set themselves apart from the big corporate banks that have little interest in that personal attention.
“Relationships drive this part of banking, and they are about the long term, not the short term. That’s what our sponsors and advertisers understand in their commitment to this market.”