Executive editor Brian Jewell, who addressed delegates at that conference regarding the evolution he sees in how groups are traveling, is excited about the opportunity to expand the magazine’s reach. He sees not only better coverage of key issues and trends for bank travel directors, but also benefits to them in addressing similar issues confronted by chamber and alumni travel planners.
“Bank travel directors have counted on our magazine to give them business ideas and travel tips for a long time,” Jewell said. “We’re going to continue offering this great information for them and also expand our scope to address some of the key subjects and strategies that will be helpful to alumni and chamber of commerce travel planners. And as always, we will continue writing inspiring feature stories to generate destination ideas for all of our readers.”
Advertise in Select Traveler
Current advertisers in Bank Travel Management will continue to reach more than 3,200 bank travel directors and community banks in Select Traveler, plus another 1,800 new decision-makers who are alumni travel directors, chamber of commerce travel directors or tour operators who serve these upscale markets. For advertising information in Select Traveler, contact Kelly Tyner or Stacey Bowman today.