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The Group Travel Leader Small Market Meetings Going on Faith

Bank Travel Management becomes Select Traveler


After almost 20 years of publication as Bank Travel Management, this magazine will expand its readership and become Select Traveler in January 2014. The move is designed not only to broaden the magazine’s coverage of upscale travel groups as a whole, but also to give it a name that is more easily understood by the next generation of travel industry influencers and marketers.

“Bank Travel Management has been very successful in elevating the role of bank travel program directors to the top tier of travel planners in the industry,” said partner and publisher Mac Lacy. “America’s largest tour operators and the travel industry alike have marketed successfully to this group through Bank Travel Management magazine for nearly two decades. But the long-term success of any business magazine requires recognizing industry trends and adding new qualified readers when they can be identified. In this case, an exciting new name also seems appropriate.”

The January issue of Select Traveler will be mailed to all bank travel directors just as Bank Travel Management has been, but will also incorporate the addition of more than 1,500 travel planners for chambers of commerce and alumni programs. Like banks, these community-based loyalty travel programs reach out to the top tier of group travel consumers and fit the profile for Select Traveler magazine.

“This is an exciting step forward for our companies’ further expansion into the realm of niche travel groups,” said Charlie Presley, chairman of the Group Travel Family and Lacy’s partner in both Bank Travel Management and the BankTravel Conference. “Marketing in today’s world has become very niche oriented, and we look forward to bringing these new readership niches — chamber travel groups and alumni travel groups — in as key components of Select Traveler magazine.”

As a result of this broadened scope, Select Traveler will reach a circulation of more than 5,000 qualified travel planners for banks, chambers and alumni groups. Its travel industry readership will be expanded as well to yield an overall circulation of more than 6,000 highly qualified readers involved in all aspects of travel for upscale groups. Editorial content for the magazine will still be designed exclusively for those high-profile travel programs, and the magazine will still be published bimonthly as Bank Travel Management has been.

“Our longtime bank travel program readers will receive Select Traveler in January just as they have Bank Travel Management,” said Lacy. “And it will still be full of very helpful information about managing their bank programs. In fact, many of the improvements they see will be a direct result of the comments we received during our readership review at the BankTravel Conference in Virginia Beach last February.”