Commercial Bank
Barbourville, Kentucky
Trip: New England
Tour Operator: Travel Unlimited
Date: September 2019
On a 10-day journey through New England, Commercial Bank’s Golden Presidential Club traveled up the coast from Monticello, Virginia, to Boston. The group explored several historic stops along the way in West Point, New York; Newport, Rhode Island; Cape Cod, Massachusetts; and the Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge, Massachusetts.
“This trip was a quick-paced itinerary. We saw and covered a lot of history. Every day was a new adventure, and we were always excited at what the next day was going to be. I would recommend this trip to other groups.”
— Carolyn Valentine, Vice President, Group Coordinator
TreasureTime Tours
Buchanan, New York
Trip: The Wonder of Christmas with the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum
Date: December 2019
With a goal of seeing the dramatic Ark Encounter in Williamstown, Kentucky, TreasureTime Tours sent a group to view the site at Christmastime. The trip also included stops at Rookwood Pottery in Cincinnati, Jungle Jim’s in Fairfield, Ohio, and the Winter Festival of Lights in Wheeling, West Virginia.
“After many months of anticipation, we departed to one of the most amazing and unreal sites ever. The Ark Encounter is truly a work of art with the magnitude of the largest wooden structure in the world. Traveling at Christmastime made the trip even more magical with millions of lights and a live Nativity scene. It was breathtaking.”
— Judy LoSasso, President