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Travel Toolbox: New Moves in Transportation

Airline Difficulties

That it can be difficult to work with airlines is nothing new, but the current state of air travel is perhaps the most customer unfriendly that it has ever been. In addition to the fees and restrictions with which individual travelers must deal, group travel planners are reporting that some airlines have done away with their group booking departments or have put onerous group booking policies in place. And since the availability of open seats on airliners is at an all-time low, planners are finding it more difficult to book flights for entire groups. The bottom line is, if you are considering a group trip that includes air travel, work with a professional tour operator who can manage the airline challenges for you.

Ride Sharing

It’s difficult to overstate the impact Internet-based ride-sharing services such as Uber and Lyft are making on the local transportation scene in American cities. Where travelers once had to rely on costly and inconsistent taxi service for impromptu trips, today they can hail private car rides from apps on their smartphones. The transaction happens seamlessly, and payment takes place automatically with a credit card stored in the service’s system. It’s often easier to get an Uber than a taxicab, and the trips can cost much, much less. If your travelers enjoy free-time exploration in major cities, make sure they are familiar with these services and can use them as necessary to get around town.

Bus Shuttling

Traditional group tours entailed one motorcoach taking every passenger in a group to the same place at the same time, forcing people to participate in some activities that may not interest them. But as the new age of tourism continues to trend toward customization and free time, tour operators and transportation providers have begun using motorcoaches as shuttle vehicles to take group members to and from various attractions or restaurants throughout the course of a day. This is a great way to offer a variety of activity choices to your travelers, as well as make use of the coach and driver time for which you’ve already paid on a free day in a city.