Select Traveler asked these group travel planners “what are the best ways to promote your tours?” Here are their responses.
Cindy Torgerson, CorClub executive director
CorTrust Bank, Mitchell, South Dakota
“Word of mouth from my fellow travelers is the best. I can’t thank them enough. They come back and talk about what a wonderful time they had and all the things they saw and did. I have people coming to join the club, and when I ask how they heard about the club, almost all of them say it’s from a fellow traveler.”
Moe Ammar, President
Pacific Grove Chamber of Commerce, Pacific Grove, California
“We have been arranging tours for over 10 years. We use a local travel agent to take advantage of their knowledge, contacts and marketing tools. We are also in the local newspaper weekly, send direct mail to a database and use social media. Lastly, we hold promotional events for potential travelers.”
Gail Martinez, banking officer, travel club director
First State Bank, Denton, Texas
“I mail out a promotional flyer, along with a trip booklet from a previous trip, with photos. I never mail the booklet that includes the pricing on the current trip I’m promoting so that the interested parties won’t avoid the trip’s promotional event based on price. I also run Sunday ads in our local newspapers, as well as run monthly ads in the Senior Center Newsletter and local retirement communities. I always mention there will be appetizers and drinks at the trip event. They love that.”
Deb Wagg, Ambassador club director
CBI Bank and Trust, Muscatine, Iowa
“I have a newsletter that we use. We also use social media from our bank website’s account, newspaper ads and kiosks in all of our bank lobbies. I make flyers for each event that isn’t provided by a travel company. We hold several monthly social events in the bank. However, word of mouth from previous travelers seems to work the best. Once they have been on a trip with me, they seem to always want to travel again.”
Sybil Wooten, Varsity Program Manager
Hometown Bank, Corbin, Kentucky
“I listen to the customers’ wishes and make sure I can sell the tours that have been requested by the customers. I think the key is to be a good listener.”