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The Group Travel Leader Small Market Meetings Going on Faith

Personal accounts: Designing woman


Beans, Broccoli and Brussel Sprouts

Thacker said she is very structured and sometimes obsessed with details; she admitted that she sometimes has to remind herself to be more flexible. “I like a tight, organized schedule, but I also know there are people who enjoy free time on their own,” she said. “But even during free time, I offer travelers the opportunity to do something with me.”

John, Thacker’s husband, is an attorney and has accompanied Freedom Travel Club on a couple of excursions. He is also a confident, organized leader; Thacker said she has had to remind him of who is in charge when they are on the road. “It takes him a day or two to get used to me being the boss,” she said with a chuckle.

Outside of their professional careers, this couple have been avid walkers, joggers and gardeners for decades.

“Including my two daughters, we’ve always been avid exercisers,” she said. “I love to cook and entertain with healthy recipes, and my husband stays very busy doing all the canning from our garden. It has also always been very important to me to make a nice home — I learned from my mother’s example. She came straight out of the pages of Southern Living magazine, and I’m sure this is where I learned my love of interior design.

“At Independence Bank, a place that has been voted one of the best places to work in Kentucky via surveys taken from employees, I work at a job that combines my two loves, decorating and travel. I’ve been very blessed.”