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The Group Travel Leader Small Market Meetings Going on Faith

Looking Forward to Talking About Travel

I’ll be finding two volunteer moderators for our buyer breakouts in Cheyenne next week. Occasionally, I have delegates decline the opportunity to run these peer group meetings but not often. There are reasons for that.

Our buyers at the Select Traveler Conference are, in fact, a pretty select group. With few exceptions, they are energetic, goal driven and outgoing. Many have organized and led groups of travelers for years if not decades. Most are women, although some are men.

What’s most interesting is we often pair up two travel planners who have never met and have no experience working together. They invariably create a process that brings small groups to meaningful conclusions about a wide variety of issues.

This year’s breakouts will touch on themes like restarting travel programs and navigating new processes for taking groups across the country and, it is hoped, outside the country as well. We’ll get a feel for how many of these groups are facing headwinds from upper management about taking their members outside the U.S. What a crippling blow this group has encountered during the past two years. These are planners who have crossed the planet any number of times with excited travelers in tow.

I hope you are planning to be with us for the conference. There is strength in numbers, and we have much to do in the months ahead. Let’s commit again to traveling together and traveling often.

Email me anytime with your thoughts at maclacy (at)