Fast Facts about Robin Albing
Robin Albing is the Director Of Lifelong Learning & Advancement Special Projects at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire.
Celebrating its 250th anniversary in 2019, Dartmouth College is the smallest of the Ivy League universities with about 6,000 students. The college offers four graduate and professional schools. Dartmouth Alumni Travel first began offering trips 30 years ago. The program offers approximately 40 trips a year to 80,000 Dartmouth alumni and other interested travelers.
Born: Buffalo, New York
Education: B.A. from Lehigh University and M.B.A. from Tuck School of Dartmouth College
Employment: For 25 years, Albing ran her own management consulting group in New York. Five years ago, Albing sold her business and took on her current role as director of Lifelong Learning, Dartmouth’s travel and educational program.
Family: Husband and three children, ages 31, 29 and 24.
Hobbies: Watersports and an enduring love of travel
A Career Makeover
Five years ago, Robin Albing’s career trajectory seemed fixed in the corporate world. For 25 years, she ran her own management consulting firm in New York, which flourished and allowed her to travel the world.
However, when she sold her company in 2013, Albing saw a chance for a total career makeover.
“I wanted to do something completely different for my late-life career,” said Albing. “I wanted to do something fun. It didn’t make much sense to get my Ph.D. and teach, so I started networking with people at Dartmouth.”
That networking led to a job at her alma mater, where she serves as director of Lifelong Learning and Advancement Special Projects. The position includes managing 30-year-old Dartmouth Alumni Travel. Though new to the travel industry, Albing applied her business knowledge to the position.
“It’s kind of wild and wooly the way I ended up here,” said Albing. “Because I’m a businessperson, I’m using what I learned from product development for the travel program.”
Albing’s expertise allowed the already-thriving travel program to expand even more, attracting different age groups and promoting the college to a wider network.