Diana Thorson
Merchants Bank | Premier Club
Winona, Minnesota
Trying to incorporate the boomers into our travels has been difficult. First, they are still capable of traveling on their own. Second, the boomers want free time when on a tour, while our older folks want every minute scheduled.
We’re looking for a way to draw this age group into our travels, make them feel comfortable and have them realize how much fun it is to be with people of every age. Once they realize that bank travel translates into not having all the responsibility of the tedious travel details, I think they are convinced.
Burdell Hensley
MidWestOne Bank | MidWestOne Connections Club
Oskaloosa, Iowa
I’m not a detail person, and they say the devil is in the details.
Making a comfortable and reasonable schedule to get to our venues on time with stops at rest stops and restaurants along the way always concerns me. I work with my wife, and luckily, she is a detail person, so this really helps. However, for me, this is a very difficult part of the job.
Vicky Bauer
City National Bank | City National Club
Shenandoah, Iowa
I’m always very concerned about staying within a budget, as I need to make a profit.
My management is very supportive of me and this program. But indeed, I’m accountable for money spent and money brought in. There are so many variables that can interfere, including not knowing if a trip will sell out — often an important detail in ensuring my profit.
Sam Burrell
Jasper Banking Co. | Preferred Travel
Ellijay, Georgia
Keeping everyone informed about upcoming trips is difficult at times. Keeping in mind we travel quite a bit, 30 trips a year, and in addition, I have five monthly travel meetings in five different towns. These meetings are not only meant to inform our members in different locations, but also a time for fun and fellowship. They are very important.
But the locations are miles apart, and they are scheduled in the morning, at noon and even in the evening. It’s imperative to have these meetings, but it can be tough.
Sybil Wooten
Hometown Bank | Varsity
Corbin, Kentucky
Seating on the coach has become an issue in recent years. While I don’t preassign seats, we do have a routine. Extra seats are to be shared by everyone, and seats by the restrooms are often the most desired. This not only causes problems with our newcomers, who don’t know our routine, but with our regular customers who don’t abide by the routine.
These days, I’m spelling it out in black and white on the itinerary.
Ruthie Johnson
Damascus Community Bank | Prime Time Club
Damascus, Maryland
When I’m gone for 16 days and away from my family, like I am a couple of times a year, it’s difficult. I have two children and two grandkids. I see them often, and when I’m gone, there’s no “granny time.”