What has been a favorite Kodak moment?
Melissa McManoma
First State Community Bank | Horizons Club
Columbia, Missouri
I look at one of my favorite Kodak moments every day, as it is framed in my office. We were in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, and having a ball on snowmobiles. There are mountains behind us, and everyone has rosy cheeks, and all are dressed in snowsuits and helmets. It’s a great advertisement for my group to see that people this age are so adventurous and having such fun.
Joan Galgay
Watertown Savings Bank | Club 50
Watertown, Massachusetts
We were at the Princess Lodge beside Mount McKinley in Alaska, sitting in rocking chairs in front of the window. The clouds parted, and we were looking at this magnificent sight and couldn’t believe what we were looking at — it could not have been real. But Mount McKinley was right there in front of us: It was very real.
Mary Busch
Castle Bank | Castle Club
DeKalb, Illinois
Although the Canadian Rockies come in a close second, the glaciers in Alaska and the size and color of the icebergs floating by our ship were visions that had our entire group gawking.
Carol Cronister
Athens State Bank | Eagle Program
Springfield, Illinois
On a cruise in Alaska, my roommate and I were sitting on our balcony when suddenly eagles flew toward us and came within feet of where we sat; but at the last second, they flew over the ship. We thought they were going to fly into our room. It was jaw-dropping, and neither of us had a camera, but the sight is forever ingrained into our memories.
Karen Tucker
Bank of McCreary County | McCreary Gold Club
Whitley City, Kentucky
I was traveling with the group for experience before the past director, Barbara Gilreath, retired. We were on the beach in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, when Barbara found rubber fins and wrist flotation devices that a child had evidently discarded. Barbara put them on, and we caught her on camera, casually walking down the beach and looking hilarious.
Patti Manville
Eagle Bank and Trust Company | Summit 55 Club
Fairfield Bay, Arkansas
Although catching shots of the big animals in Africa always makes the best pictures, I caught a picture of a hyena just after he had killed an antelope. The photo tells a poignant story. As he ate, the females, vultures and other animals cautiously stood by and waited their turn to feast. The picture shows the hyena just as he looked up and stared straight into my lens with his muzzle covered in blood. It may sound gruesome, but it is a perfect picture that describes the hierarchy of the animal kingdom.
Beth Quaderer
Community State Bank | Harvest Club
Union Grove, Wisconsin
As we approached the Sawyer Glacier in Alaska, it was raining. The sun came out, and a perfect rainbow formed over the glacier. I was able to capture this beautiful sight perfectly, which is no small feat for a novice photographer. My happy group of cruisers felt it was the highlight of their voyage.