Upcoming Installments
With three successful SpecTAPular events now under their belts, Cline and his TAP partners are busy creating new installments of the series for Virginia Beach and other destinations around the country.
To get involved or to sell product, travel buyers can contact TAP headquarters to inquire about upcoming SpecTAPular Tours and Events or visit their website, www.guaranteeddepartures.com and search on the word “SpecTAPular.” Communities are encouraged to reach out to their favorite TAP partner or contact headquarters for a list of guidelines on how this unique cooperative effort works.
“The collaborative partnership between our communities and TAP tour operators hits our goal of establishing new business ventures at a time when a destination truly needs some assistance,” said Shawn Horman, vice president of TAP Marketing and TAP partner Western Leisure. “You will see this being a consistent focus for future programs as well.”